Saturday, January 28, 2012


Dear Family and Friends,
After moving back and forth from the USA to Kenya for the past 19 years I rarely have been on the USA side for Christmas season until this year! I came home Nov. 2nd pretty tired out after holding down at least 2 jobs in 2011 and have now been enjoying time off for rest, recreation, and visits with family and friends. I anticipate being home for 8 months before returning to Kenya. Reflecting back on the highlights from 2011 it was something like this.
] Moved my desk into the corner of the ELCK Central Diocese Office in Nairobi
] Prepared for the 3 eye surgery camps held at or near Arsim in February
] Enjoyed a working visit from Hal and Cheryl Biel for 6 weeks mostly at Arsim, where they helped me with various projects to ease my transition in working out of Nairobi
] Visited Chesenende to meet the dispensary committee and discuss ways to get their dispensary opened again and enjoyed visit with missionary friends Kerstin and Rut and tour of Saino Parish with Kerstin, Kathleen Lutz, and Pastor Jeremiah Nyang’au
] When in Nairobi I started attending Springs of Life Lutheran Church in Kibera to get to know this congregation better as I seek to help them get their burnt down health centre working again somehow
] When in Maralal I enjoyed visits with my God daughter Ruth and her family (Ruth was a freshman in high school this year and is growing into being a fine Christian girl)
] Assisted with an eye clinic and dental clinic at the Kibera church for 1 and ½ weeks which was run by volunteers from an LCMS church in Texas, from Kibera church, and government
] Received another 3 month internship college student from the USA at Arsim, Kristiana Ward, for a work experience at the dispensary in community development
] Attended church at various places around Arsim at our newer church plants sites of Sedai, Illaut and Lechet as well as at Arsim when in the Arsim area – participated in the large baptismal service at Illaut where over 30 were baptized in one day
] Continued helping with the administration at Arsim/Illaut Lutheran Dispensaries, including downsizing of the staff, and trying to turn over the work to the local employees before I left for home assignment
] Also did some hands on medical work in the Arsim area including eye screening for trachoma and delivering 2 babies among many other things
] Drove thousands of kilometers back and forth from Arsim to Nairobi and other places, without too many problems, trying to balance out my 2 jobs – an answer to your prayers for safety
] Helped a small HIV project get off the ground at Arsim including recording some new songs for a revised Samburu HIV/AIDS prevention teaching cassette
] Worked on some proposal writing, took a class on Resource Mobilization and Proposal Writing and began to develop the Health Department page on the new ELCK Central Diocese website –
] Attended many and various meetings (many difficult and frustrating) with donors and committees and groups of the church to try to solve and work out various problems and make plans for the future
] Now enjoying getting back into life in the USA in Minnesota living with sister Miriam near Stewart and also good friends Hal and Cheryl Biel in the Mpls. area as I anticipate moving to Omaha for the winter months to stay with sister Barb and be near sister Becky and her family
] Joyful that the Scripture portion of the Gospel of Luke has been completely translated into Samburu so they can read the Christmas story in their own language this year!
“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11 ESV

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